People often ask me when @mastogram will become OpenSource. And when they hear my answer — "never" — their reactions are always amusing. First comes the inevitable "why?", followed by, sometimes, outright indignation: "That's not right!" I usually finish them off with a "joke" about introducing premium features.
The funniest part is that those advocating for open-source are almost always software developers — the very same people who go to work and get paid a nice salary for their efforts. And every time, a loud question pops into my head: why on earth should I write my code for free or stand around with a crypto-wallet in hand, begging for spare change?
It’s easy to play the office Che Guevara when your paycheck is guaranteed! To those “revolutionaries,” I have just one suggestion: quit your job and test your commitment to pure, unadulterated altruism. No hypocrisy allowed.